The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC) has formulated the National Action Plan for Combatting Corruption in Sri Lanka 2019-2023. This action plan that was drafted after wide public consultation has identified a number of ‘Prevention Measures’ to minimize the risk of corruption. Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE), also provided a number of inputs to the action plan.

CaFFE believed that it was uniquely capable of implementation of selected aspects of this initiative at the grassroots and that it can play a great role in minimizing corruption and bribery at the grassroots, especially in the Northern and Eastern Provinces and NuwaraEliya and Matale districts. It signed an agreement with East West Management Institute on 14 th March 2019 to implement an initiative with five major components.
- Creating public Demand for Accountability
- Strengthen the role of Civil society and citizens
- Engaging the Private sector Toward a Society of Integrity
- Awareness Raising for Elected Representatives
- National Anti-Corruption Hotline, with two phone lines, fax, social media, etc.
On October 31, 2019 CaFFE finalized the project. Throughout the project CaFFE served 2282 persons in 32 sessions. CaFFE also received wide publicity for their initiatives and managed to reach out to a government officers, regional politicians and religious leaders we well during the initiative.